import customtkinter as Ctk import os from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageDraw from scripts.SaveData import SaveData from icons.icons import Icons import scripts.get_sys_info as system_code class Labeling(Ctk.CTkFrame): def __init__(self,master,img_paths, output_path, callback, window_information, **kwargs): super().__init__(master, **kwargs) system_code.load_json_file() self.icons = Icons(path=system_code.data_path) self.data_saver = SaveData() self.my_font = Ctk.CTkFont(family="Berlin Sans FB", size=22) self.image_btn_size = system_code.btn_img_size #callback self.callback = callback self.window_information = window_information # Load and resize image as before self.create_folder_raw_image = self.icons.get_image("CreateFolder") self.open_folder_raw_image = self.icons.get_image("OpenFolder") self.source_folder_raw_image = self.icons.get_image("SourceFolder") self.load_button_images() # for the image show_process self.image_scale_init() # variables for the labeling itself self.index = 0 # when this gets opened we always want to start a 0. self.img_paths = img_paths self.active_output_path = output_path self.output_path = output_path # bounding boxes self.labeling_boxes = [] self.data_mode_index = system_code.data_modes.index(system_code.data_mode) self.labeling_box_index = 0 self.original_factor = None self.img_factor_x = None self.img_factor_y = None self.resolution = None self.labeled = False self.mpenn_data = self.data_saver.search_in_folder(self.active_output_path) self.save_index = self.data_saver.find_highest_image_number(self.mpenn_data[0]) self.start() def enable_keybinding(self): """ r: Remove the picture j: jump in Time l: Labeling / Resize Switch o: Open Folder c: Create Folder s: Switch Folder Return: Save Image """ self.master.bind("", self.delete_current_rectangle, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.skip_time, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.set_data_mode_binding, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.open_new_folder, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.create_new_folder, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.source_folder_dialog, add="+") self.master.bind("", self.save_and_load, add="+") def disable_keybinding(self): self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") self.master.unbind("") def update_active_output_path(self, output_path): self.active_output_path = output_path self.mpenn_data = self.data_saver.search_in_folder(self.active_output_path) self.save_index = self.data_saver.find_highest_image_number(self.mpenn_data[0]) def start(self): self.create_labeling() self.show_img(self.img_paths[self.index]) def open_new_folder(self): """ Callback for when a new folder is chosen. """ self.callback(self.output_path, 1) # Call the callback passing the current value def create_new_folder(self): """ Callback for when a new folder is chosen. """ self.callback(self.output_path, 0) # Call the callback passing the current value def return_image_information(self): # Extract the directory of the image file image_directory = os.path.dirname(self.img_paths[self.index]) # Now extract the folder name desired_folder = os.path.basename(image_directory) desired_name = os.path.basename(self.img_paths[self.index]) # Creating a tuple with the extracted information text_information = (desired_name, desired_folder, self.active_output_path) # Presumed function to show or use the information self.window_information(text_information) def source_folder_dialog(self): self.callback(None, 2) def image_scale_init(self): self.original_image = None self.displayed_image = None self.dragging = False self.resize_pending = False self.after_id = None self.tk_image = None self.rect = None # Keep track of the rectangle element self.start_x = None self.start_y = None self.end_x = None # Track the end position of the drag self.end_y = None self.image_position = (0, 0) # Initialize image position self.tk_cropped_image = None self.save_cropped = None # the Labeling part def create_labeling(self): """adapt button size to window_size""" self.big_canvas = Ctk.CTkCanvas(self,background="#5f00c7", bd=0, highlightthickness=0) self.reset_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="reset Image", width=100, command=self.reset_image, font=self.my_font) self.create_folder_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self,image=self.create_folder_image, text="", width=100, command=self.create_new_folder, font=self.my_font) self.open_folder_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, image=self.open_folder_image,text="", width=100, command=self.open_new_folder, font=self.my_font) self.save_img_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Save Image", width=100, command=self.save_and_load, font=self.my_font) self.delete_img_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Delete Image", width=100, command=self.delete_img, font=self.my_font) self.skip_time_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Jump", width=100, command=self.skip_time, font=self.my_font) self.new_source_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self,image=self.source_folder_image, text="", width=100, command=self.source_folder_dialog, font=self.my_font) self.preview_canvas = Ctk.CTkCanvas(self,background="#5f00c7", bd=0, highlightthickness=0) self.start_mode = Ctk.StringVar(value=system_code.data_mode) self.choose_mode = Ctk.CTkSegmentedButton(self, values= system_code.data_modes, variable=self.start_mode, command=self.set_data_mode,width=64,font=self.my_font) # big_canvas self.big_canvas.bind("", self.on_press) self.big_canvas.bind("", self.on_drag) self.big_canvas.bind("", self.on_release) self.after_idle(self.adjust_image_sizes_for_buttons) self.bind("", self.on_resize) self.place_labeling() def set_data_mode(self, value): system_code.data_mode = value if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[0]: self.reset_canvas() else: if self.tk_cropped_image is not None: self.show_img(self.save_cropped) else: self.show_img(self.img_paths[self.index]) def set_data_mode_binding(self, value = None): self.data_mode_index = 1 - self.data_mode_index system_code.data_mode = system_code.data_modes[self.data_mode_index] self.choose_mode.set(system_code.data_mode) def reset_image(self): self.reset_canvas() self.show_img(self.index) def adjust_image_sizes_for_buttons(self): """Adjust the image sizes based on the current height of the buttons and update them accordingly.""" self.update_idletasks() # Force Tkinter to finalize the window layout example_button_height = self.create_folder_btn.winfo_height() example_button_width = self.create_folder_btn.winfo_width() # Assuming buttons' height as a basis for square image size orientation_value = min(example_button_height, example_button_width) - 25 # Ensure the orientation_value does not drop below a minimum size threshold orientation_value = max(orientation_value, 1) # Prevents size from being 0 or negative # Your existing logic to resize and apply the images self.image_btn_size = (orientation_value, orientation_value) self.load_button_images() self.create_folder_btn.configure(image=self.create_folder_image) self.open_folder_btn.configure(image=self.open_folder_image) self.new_source_btn.configure(image=self.source_folder_image) self.create_folder_btn.image = self.create_folder_image self.open_folder_btn.image = self.open_folder_image self.new_source_btn.image = self.source_folder_image def load_button_images(self): """ Load, resize button images to the specified size and convert them into a Tkinter-compatible format. """ # Convert PIL images to Ctk.CTkImage objects for compatibility with Tkinter/customtkinter self.create_folder_image = Ctk.CTkImage(self.create_folder_raw_image , size =self.image_btn_size) self.open_folder_image = Ctk.CTkImage(self.open_folder_raw_image, size =self.image_btn_size) self.source_folder_image = Ctk.CTkImage(self.source_folder_raw_image, size =self.image_btn_size) def reset_canvas(self): """ Adjust the reset_canvas method to remove all rectangles or drawing objects while preserving a specific image. """ # Assuming the image you want to keep has a 'picture' tag # First, remove all items tagged with 'rectangle' from the canvas self.big_canvas.delete("rectangle") # Reset the list of rectangles since they've been removed from the canvas self.labeling_boxes.clear() self.labeling_box_index = 0 # Reset state variables self.rect = None self.draw = None self.preview_canvas.delete("all") # Assuming you also want to clear the preview canvas def save_and_load(self): save_path = f"{self.active_output_path}/{self.save_index:03d}{system_code.img_format}" if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[1]: if len(self.labeling_boxes) == 0: self.labeled = False else: image = self.draw_rects(self.original_image) self.resolution = image.size elif self.tk_cropped_image is not None: self.resolution = self.save_cropped.size self.data_saver.append_to_json_file(save_path, self.resolution, self.labeled, self.labeling_boxes, self.mpenn_data[0]) self.reset_canvas() os.remove(self.img_paths[self.index]) self.index += 1 self.save_index += 1 self.show_img(self.img_paths[self.index]) def draw_rects(self, image): self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for rect_info in self.labeling_boxes: _, coordinates, color, thickness = rect_info # Draw the rectangle on the image if thickness <= 0: thickness = 1 self.draw.rectangle(coordinates, outline=color, width=thickness) self.labeled = True return image def delete_img(self): os.remove(self.img_paths[self.index]) self.index += 1 self.show_img(self.img_paths[self.index]) def skip_time(self): for i in range(system_code.skipable_frames): os.remove(self.img_paths[self.index + i]) self.index = self.index + system_code.skipable_frames self.show_img(self.img_paths[self.index]) def show_img(self, to_displayed): self.preview_canvas.delete("all") self.tk_cropped_image = None # Check if 'to_displayed' is a PIL Image object if isinstance(to_displayed, Image.Image): self.original_image = to_displayed # 'to_displayed' is already an image object, use it directly else: # It's assumed to be a file path, try to open as an image file try: self.original_image = except Exception: return self.return_image_information() self.resize_image() self.display_image() def resize_image(self): """ Resize the image to fit within the panel dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio. Note: This function should be called after the window is visible and has been updated, to ensure accurate dimensions are retrieved from 'big_canvas'. """ self.big_canvas.update_idletasks() if self.original_image is None or self.big_canvas.winfo_width() <= 1 or self.big_canvas.winfo_height() <= 1: return # Update idletasks to ensure the window's layout is processed and accurate dimensions are retrieved self.big_canvas.update_idletasks() panel_width, panel_height = self.big_canvas.winfo_width(), self.big_canvas.winfo_height() original_width, original_height = self.original_image.size aspect_ratio = original_width / original_height # Determine the best fit size for keeping the aspect ratio if panel_width / aspect_ratio <= panel_height: new_width, new_height = int(panel_width), int(panel_width / aspect_ratio) else: new_width, new_height = int(panel_height * aspect_ratio), int(panel_height) # Inside the resize_image method, after computing new_width and new_height if new_width <= 0 or new_height <= 0: return # Consider logging this case or handling it appropriately self.displayed_image = self.original_image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) # Calculate the size_factor size_factor_width = original_width / new_width size_factor_height = original_height / new_height self.img_factor_x = size_factor_width self.img_factor_y = size_factor_height def display_image(self): """Display the image centered in the canvas.""" if self.displayed_image is None: return if self.tk_image: self.delete_current_rectangle("all") # Clear the canvas before displaying a new image self.tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.displayed_image) # Force an update to ensure current dimensions are fetched self.big_canvas.update_idletasks() canvas_width, canvas_height = self.big_canvas.winfo_width(), self.big_canvas.winfo_height() image_width, image_height = self.tk_image.width(), self.tk_image.height() # Calculate the center position x_offset = int((canvas_width - image_width) // 2) y_offset = int((canvas_height - image_height) // 2) self.big_canvas.create_image(x_offset, y_offset, anchor=Ctk.NW, image=self.tk_image) self.image_position = (x_offset, y_offset) # Save the centered image position def on_press(self, event): self.start_x = event.x self.start_y = event.y # If there's an existing rectangle, remove it if self.rect and (system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[0]): self.delete_current_rectangle(self.rect) # Create an initial 1x1 rectangle that will be adjusted in `on_drag` self.rect = self.big_canvas.create_rectangle(self.start_x, self.start_y, self.start_x+1, self.start_y+1, outline=system_code.color if system_code.data_mode != "Resize" else "#5f00c7", width=system_code.thickness // self.img_factor_x if system_code.data_mode != "Resize" else 1, tags=("rectangle",)) def on_resize(self, event): """Handle window resize events with throttling.""" if not self.resize_pending: self.resize_pending = True if self.after_id: self.after_cancel(self.after_id) self.adjust_image_sizes_for_buttons() self.after_id = self.after(100, self.perform_resize) def on_drag(self, event): if not self.dragging: # This marks the start of actual dragging, so we do the rectangle creation here self.dragging = True # Set dragging flag to True to indicate dragging has started # If there's an existing rectangle from a previous operation, remove it if self.rect: self.delete_current_rectangle(self.rect) # Start a new rectangle self.rect = self.big_canvas.create_rectangle(self.start_x, self.start_y, self.start_x+1, self.start_y+1, outline=system_code.color if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[1] else "#5f00c7", width=system_code.thickness // self.img_factor_x if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[1] else 1, tags=("rectangle",)) self.end_x, self.end_y = event.x, event.y if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[0]: # Maintain 1:1 aspect ratio for resize mode delta_x = self.end_x - self.start_x delta_y = self.end_y - self.start_y delta = min(abs(delta_x), abs(delta_y)) delta_x = delta if delta_x > 0 else -delta delta_y = delta if delta_y > 0 else -delta self.end_x, self.end_y = self.start_x + delta_x, self.start_y + delta_y # For other modes, the rectangle adjusts to current coordinates directly # Update rectangle size during drag self.big_canvas.coords(self.rect, self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y) def on_release(self, event): # Only proceed if dragging actually occurred if self.dragging: self.big_canvas.coords(self.rect, self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y) if self.start_x > self.end_x: temp = self.start_x self.start_x = self.end_x self.end_x = temp if self.start_y > self.end_y: temp = self.start_y self.start_y = self.end_y self.end_y = temp self.big_canvas.coords(self.rect, self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y) self.display_cropped_part() # New line to display the cropped area self.dragging = False # Reset dragging flag if system_code.data_mode == system_code.data_modes[1] and self.rect is not None: coordinates = [self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y] coordinates = self.subtract_image_from_canvas(coordinates) coordinates = self.multiply_array(coordinates, self.img_factor_x, self.img_factor_y) temp_array = [self.labeling_box_index,coordinates, system_code.color, system_code.thickness] self.labeling_boxes.append(temp_array) self.labeling_box_index += 1 else: # Handle the case where a rectangle shouldn't have been started if self.rect: self.delete_current_rectangle(self.rect) self.rect = None def multiply_array(self, arr, num1, num2): """ Multiplies each element of the array 'arr' by 'num'. Parameters: arr (list): The input list whose elements are to be multiplied. num (int): The number by which each element of the list is multiplied. Returns: list: A new list with each element of 'arr' multiplied by 'num'. """ # Use list comprehension to multiply each element by num return arr[0] * num1, arr[1]* num2, arr[2]* num1, arr[3] * num2 def subtract_image_from_canvas(self, arr): width = self.image_position[0] height = self.image_position[1] return arr[0] - width, arr[1] - height, arr[2] - width, arr[3] - height def display_cropped_part(self): if not self.validate_image_and_rectangle(): return adj_coordinates = self.adjust_coordinates_for_border() if not self.validate_adjusted_coordinates(adj_coordinates): self.delete_current_rectangle(self.rect) return crop_coordinates = self.calculate_crop_coordinates(adj_coordinates) self.cropped_image = self.original_image.crop(crop_coordinates) self.display_resized_cropped_image(self.cropped_image) def adjust_coordinates_for_border(self): """Adjust rectangle's position by considering the image's position and border width.""" adj_start_x = self.start_x - self.image_position[0] + (system_code.thickness / 2) adj_start_y = self.start_y - self.image_position[1] + (system_code.thickness / 2) adj_end_x = self.end_x - self.image_position[0] - (system_code.thickness / 2) adj_end_y = self.end_y - self.image_position[1] - (system_code.thickness / 2) return adj_start_x, adj_start_y, adj_end_x, adj_end_y def validate_adjusted_coordinates(self, coordinates): """Ensure logical and boundary adherence of adjusted coordinates.""" adj_start_x, adj_start_y, adj_end_x, adj_end_y = coordinates if (adj_end_x <= adj_start_x) or (adj_end_y <= adj_start_y): # Negative width or height indicates a coordinate error return False if (adj_start_x < 0 or adj_start_y < 0 or adj_end_x > self.displayed_image.width or adj_end_y > self.displayed_image.height): # Coordinates exceed displayed image bounds return False return True def calculate_crop_coordinates(self, adj_coordinates): """Calculate crop coordinates on the original image, considering display scaling.""" adj_start_x, adj_start_y, adj_end_x, adj_end_y = adj_coordinates # Scaling ratios, considering the displayed image might be scaled down/up to fit into the canvas x_scale = self.original_image.size[0] / self.displayed_image.width y_scale = self.original_image.size[1] / self.displayed_image.height # Apply scaling to adjust coordinates to match the original image size crop_start_x = max(0, int(adj_start_x * x_scale)) crop_start_y = max(0, int(adj_start_y * y_scale)) crop_end_x = min(self.original_image.size[0], int(adj_end_x * x_scale)) crop_end_y = min(self.original_image.size[1], int(adj_end_y * y_scale)) return crop_start_x, crop_start_y, crop_end_x, crop_end_y def display_resized_cropped_image(self, cropped_image): """Resize and display the cropped image on the preview canvas.""" cropped_image_aspect_ratio = (cropped_image.width / cropped_image.height) preview_canvas_width = self.preview_canvas.winfo_width() preview_canvas_height = self.preview_canvas.winfo_height() if cropped_image_aspect_ratio > (preview_canvas_width / preview_canvas_height): new_width = preview_canvas_width new_height = int(preview_canvas_width / cropped_image_aspect_ratio) else: new_height = preview_canvas_height new_width = int(preview_canvas_height * cropped_image_aspect_ratio) resized_cropped_image = cropped_image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) self.save_cropped = resized_cropped_image self.tk_cropped_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_cropped_image) self.preview_canvas.delete("all") centered_x = (preview_canvas_width - new_width) / 2 centered_y = (preview_canvas_height - new_height) / 2 self.preview_canvas.create_image(centered_x, centered_y, anchor='nw', image=self.tk_cropped_image) self.preview_canvas.image = self.tk_cropped_image def perform_resize(self): """Perform the resize operation and clear cropped image and rectangle.""" if self.resize_pending: self.resize_image() self.display_image() # Clear the rectangle on the main canvas if it exists self.reset_canvas() # Reset rectangle coordinates self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y = None, None, None, None # Optionally, if desired, clear the dragging states self.dragging = False def delete_current_rectangle(self, obj): """Remove the rectangle object if coordinates are invalid.""" self.big_canvas.delete(obj) self.rect = None def validate_image_and_rectangle(self): if not self.displayed_image or not self.rect: return False return True def place_labeling(self): relx=0.025, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.775, relheight=0.95, anchor="w" ) relx=0.975, rely=0.1, relwidth=0.15, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.2, relwidth=0.06, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) relx=0.825, rely=0.2, relwidth=0.06, relheight=0.06, anchor="w", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.3, relwidth=0.15, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.4, relwidth=0.15, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.06, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) relx=0.825, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.06, relheight=0.06, anchor="w", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.7, relwidth=0.15, relheight=0.25, anchor="e", ) relx=0.975, rely=0.9, relwidth=0.15, relheight=0.06, anchor="e", ) def hide_labeling(self): self.big_canvas.place_forget() self.reset_btn.place_forget() self.create_folder_btn.place_forget() self.open_folder_btn.place_forget() self.save_img_btn.place_forget() self.delete_img_btn.place_forget() self.skip_time_btn.place_forget() self.new_source_btn.place_forget() self.preview_canvas.place_forget() self.choose_mode.place_forget()