import customtkinter as Ctk import os import scripts.get_sys_info as system_code from ..SaveData import SaveData from tkinter import filedialog FONT = "Berlin Sans FB" class SwitchFolder(Ctk.CTkFrame): def __init__(self,master, callback, **kwargs): super().__init__(master, **kwargs) system_code.load_json_file() self.data_saver = SaveData() self.my_font = Ctk.CTkFont(family=FONT, size=22) self.callback = callback self.error_txt = "" self.input_path = None self.output_path = None self.img_paths = None self.create_selection() def enable_keybinding(self): self.master.bind("", self.open_labeling, add="+") def disable_keybinding(self): self.master.unbind("") # the selection part def create_selection(self): # input self.input_entry = Ctk.CTkEntry(self, placeholder_text="Input folder path", width=100, font=self.my_font) self.input_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Browse", width=100, command=self.get_folder_path, font=self.my_font) # output self.output_entry = Ctk.CTkEntry(self, placeholder_text="Output folder path", width=100, font=self.my_font) self.output_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Browse", width=100, command=self.get_project_path, font=self.my_font) # start self.start_btn = Ctk.CTkButton(self, text="Start", width=100, command=self.open_labeling, font=self.my_font) self.error_label = Ctk.CTkLabel(self, text=self.error_txt, width=100, font=self.my_font) self.place_label_selection() def open_labeling(self, value = None): source_path = self.input_entry.get() self.output_path = self.output_entry.get() if not os.path.exists(source_path): self.error_txt = "Source Folder could not be found" self.error_label.configure(text=self.error_txt) elif not os.path.exists(self.output_path): self.error_txt = "Output Folder could not be found" self.error_label.configure(text=self.error_txt) else: self.data_saver.search_in_folder(self.output_path) self.img_paths = self.load_images_into_array(source_path) self.give_back() def load_images_into_array(self, folder_path): image_paths = [] for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if filename.endswith(system_code.img_format_options): img_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) image_paths.append(img_path) return image_paths def get_folder_path(self): file_path = filedialog.askdirectory() self.input_entry.delete(0, Ctk.END) # Delete any existing text in the Entry widget self.input_entry.insert(0, file_path) # Insert the new text def get_project_path(self): video_path = filedialog.askdirectory() self.output_entry.delete(0, Ctk.END) # Delete any existing text in the Entry widget self.output_entry.insert(0, video_path) # Insert the new text def give_back(self): self.callback(self.img_paths, self.output_path) def place_label_selection(self): # output placing relx=0.10, rely=0.4, anchor="w", relwidth=0.5, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left relx=0.90, rely=0.4, anchor="e", relwidth=0.2, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left # output placing relx=0.10, rely=0.5, anchor="w", relwidth=0.5, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left relx=0.90, rely=0.5, anchor="e", relwidth=0.2, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left # button row relx=0.5, rely=0.6, anchor="center", relwidth=0.8, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left relx=0.5, rely=0.7, anchor="center", relwidth=0.8, relheight=0.06 ) # Position the converter button to the left