import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import axios from 'axios'; let config: { apiEndpoint: string; apiAuthentication: string; apiModel: string; apiTemperature: number; numPredict: number; promptWindowSize: number; completionKeys: string[]; responsePreview: boolean; responsePreviewMaxTokens: number; responsePreviewDelay: number; continueInline: boolean; keepAlive: number; topP: number; }; let previewDecorationType: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType; let activeCompletionManager: CompletionManager | null = null; function updateConfig() { const vsConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('fabelous-autocoder'); config = { apiEndpoint: vsConfig.get('endpoint') || 'http://localhost:11434/api/generate', apiAuthentication: vsConfig.get('authentication') || '', apiModel: vsConfig.get('model') || 'fabelous-coder:latest', apiTemperature: vsConfig.get('temperature') || 0.7, numPredict: vsConfig.get('max tokens predicted') || 1000, promptWindowSize: vsConfig.get('prompt window size') || 2000, completionKeys: (vsConfig.get('completion keys') as string || ' ').split(''), responsePreview: vsConfig.get('response preview') || false, responsePreviewMaxTokens: vsConfig.get('preview max tokens') || 50, responsePreviewDelay: vsConfig.get('preview delay') || 0, continueInline: vsConfig.get('continue inline') || false, keepAlive: vsConfig.get('keep alive') || 30, topP: vsConfig.get('top p') || 1, }; } function createPreviewDecorationType() { previewDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ after: { color: '#888888', fontStyle: 'italic', }, textDecoration: 'none; display: none;', }); } function getContextLines(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position): string { const startLine = Math.max(0, position.line - 1); const endLine = position.line; return document.getText(new vscode.Range(startLine, 0, endLine, position.character)); } function createFIMPrompt(prefix: string, language: string): string { return `${prefix}${language}\n`; } async function generateCompletion(prompt: string, cancellationToken: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { const axiosCancelToken = new axios.CancelToken((c) => { cancellationToken.onCancellationRequested(() => c('Request cancelled')); }); const response = await, { model: config.apiModel, prompt: prompt, stream: false, raw: true, options: { num_predict: config.numPredict, temperature: config.apiTemperature, stop: ['', '```'], keep_alive: config.keepAlive, top_p: config.topP, } }, { cancelToken: axiosCancelToken, headers: { 'Authorization': config.apiAuthentication } }); return||/g, '').trim(); } class CompletionManager { private textEditor: vscode.TextEditor; private document: vscode.TextDocument; private startPosition: vscode.Position; private completionText: string; private insertedLineCount: number = 0; // Track the number of inserted lines constructor(textEditor: vscode.TextEditor, startPosition: vscode.Position, completionText: string) { this.textEditor = textEditor; this.document = textEditor.document; this.startPosition = startPosition; this.completionText = completionText; } public async showPreview() { if (!previewDecorationType) { createPreviewDecorationType(); } const completionLines = this.completionText.split('\n').length; // Adjust the start position to line after the original start position const adjustedStartPosition = this.startPosition.translate(0, 0); // Step 1: Insert blank lines to make space for the preview const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit(); const linePadding = '\n'.repeat(completionLines + 1); // Include extra line break for visual separation edit.insert(this.document.uri, adjustedStartPosition, linePadding); await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit); this.insertedLineCount = completionLines + 1; // Step 2: Apply decorations const previewRanges: vscode.DecorationOptions[] = this.completionText.split('\n').map((line, index) => { const lineNumber = adjustedStartPosition.line + index + 1; // Start preview one line later return { range: new vscode.Range( new vscode.Position(lineNumber, 0), new vscode.Position(lineNumber, 0) ), renderOptions: { after: { contentText: line, color: '#888888', fontStyle: 'italic', }, }, }; }); this.textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, previewRanges); } public async acceptCompletion() { const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit(); const completionLines = this.completionText.split('\n'); const numberOfLines = completionLines.length; // Ensure the start position is never negative const safeStartPosition = new vscode.Position(Math.max(0, this.startPosition.line - 1), 0); // Prepare the range to replace const rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range( safeStartPosition, this.startPosition.translate(numberOfLines, 0) ); // Construct the content to insert const contentToInsert = (safeStartPosition.line === 0 ? '' : '\n') + this.completionText + '\n'; edit.replace(this.document.uri, rangeToReplace, contentToInsert); await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit); // Clear the preview decorations this.clearPreview(); // Set activeCompletionManager to null activeCompletionManager = null; // Calculate the new cursor position from the inserted content const lastCompletionLine = completionLines[completionLines.length - 1]; const newPosition = new vscode.Position( this.startPosition.line + numberOfLines - 1, lastCompletionLine.length ); // Set the new cursor position this.textEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(newPosition, newPosition); } public clearPreview() { this.textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, []); // Remove all preview decorations } public async declineCompletion() { this.clearPreview(); // Clear the preview decorations try { const document = this.textEditor.document; const currentPosition =; // Calculate the range of lines to remove const startLine = this.startPosition.line + 1; const endLine = currentPosition.line; if (endLine > startLine) { const workspaceEdit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit(); // Create a range from start of startLine to end of endLine const range = new vscode.Range( new vscode.Position(startLine, 0), new vscode.Position(endLine, document.lineAt(endLine).text.length) ); // Delete the range workspaceEdit.delete(document.uri, range); // Apply the edit await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(workspaceEdit); // Move the cursor back to the original position this.textEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(this.startPosition, this.startPosition); console.log(`Lines ${startLine + 1} to ${endLine + 1} removed successfully`); activeCompletionManager = null; } else { console.log('No lines to remove'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error declining completion:', error); vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Error removing lines: ${error}`); } } } async function autocompleteCommand(textEditor: vscode.TextEditor, edit: vscode.TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]) { const cancellationTokenSource = new vscode.CancellationTokenSource(); const cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.token; try { const document = textEditor.document; const position =; const context = getContextLines(document, position); const fimPrompt = createFIMPrompt(context, document.languageId); const completionText = await vscode.window.withProgress({ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification, title: 'Fabelous Autocoder', cancellable: true, }, async (progress, progressCancellationToken) => {{ message: 'Generating...' }); return await generateCompletion(fimPrompt, progressCancellationToken); }); console.log('Completion generated:', completionText); const completionManager = new CompletionManager(textEditor, position, completionText); await completionManager.showPreview(); activeCompletionManager = completionManager; } catch (err: any) { console.error('Error in autocompleteCommand:', err); vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Fabelous Autocoder encountered an error: ${err.message}`); } finally { cancellationTokenSource.dispose(); } } async function handleTab() { if (activeCompletionManager) { await activeCompletionManager.acceptCompletion(); } else { await vscode.commands.executeCommand('tab'); } } async function handleBackspace() { if (activeCompletionManager) { await activeCompletionManager.declineCompletion(); } else { await vscode.commands.executeCommand('deleteLeft'); } } export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { updateConfig(); createPreviewDecorationType(); context.subscriptions.push( vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(updateConfig), vscode.commands.registerTextEditorCommand('fabelous-autocoder.autocomplete', autocompleteCommand), vscode.commands.registerCommand('fabelous-autocoder.handleTab', handleTab), vscode.commands.registerCommand('fabelous-autocoder.handleBackspace', handleBackspace) ); } export function deactivate() {}