near final
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ const previewDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
textDecoration: 'none; display: none;', // Hide the original text
async function autocompleteCommand(textEditor: vscode.TextEditor, cancellationToken?: vscode.CancellationToken) {
const document = textEditor.document;
const position =;
@ -113,82 +114,93 @@ async function autocompleteCommand(textEditor: vscode.TextEditor, cancellationTo
let completionText =;
completionText = completionText.replace(/<fim_middle>|<fim_suffix>|<fim_prefix>/g, '').trim();
// Split the completion text by new lines
const newLines = completionText.split('\n');
let previewInserted = false;
let originalContent: string;
let previewStartLine: number;
// Calculate the number of new lines in the completion, plus 2 extra lines
const totalNewLines = newLines.length + 2;
// Store the original content and insert preview
const storeAndInsertPreview = async () => {
previewStartLine = startLine;
const endLine = document.lineCount - 1;
const endCharacter = document.lineAt(endLine).text.length;
const fullRange = new vscode.Range(startLine, 0, endLine, endCharacter);
originalContent = document.getText(fullRange);
// Create preview decorations and insert new lines
const previewRanges: vscode.DecorationOptions[] = [];
const previewContent = completionText + '\n'.repeat(1);
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
const document = textEditor.document;
for (let i = 0; i < totalNewLines; i++) {
const lineContent = i < newLines.length ? newLines[i] : '';
const position = new vscode.Position(startLine + i, 0);
// Insert a new line
edit.insert(document.uri, position, '\n');
// Create a range for the newly inserted line
const range = new vscode.Range(position, position.translate(1, 0));
// Overwrite the context by replacing instead of inserting
edit.replace(document.uri, fullRange, previewContent);
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
// Set decorations on the newly inserted lines
const previewRanges: vscode.DecorationOptions[] = [];
const previewLines = previewContent.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < previewLines.length; i++) {
const range = new vscode.Range(startLine + i, 0, startLine + i + 1, 0);
renderOptions: {
after: {
contentText: lineContent,
contentText: previewLines[i],
// Apply the edit to insert new lines
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
// Set decorations on the newly inserted lines
textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, previewRanges);
previewInserted = true;
let previewInserted = true;
// Handle preview acceptance or dismissal
const disposable = vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(async (event) => {
if (event.document.uri.toString() === document.uri.toString()) {
if (event.document.uri.toString() === document.uri.toString() && previewInserted) {
const change = event.contentChanges[0];
// Dismiss preview with Backspace
if (change && change.text === '' && change.rangeLength === 1) {
textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, []);
previewInserted = false;
await restoreOriginalContent();
// Accept preview with Tab key
if (change && change.text === '\t' && previewInserted) {
textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, []);
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
// Insert the completion text
const insertText = '\n'.repeat(1) + completionText + '\n'.repeat(1); // Add 2 extra newlines
// Replace the entire range from the start of the context to the current position
const replaceRange = new vscode.Range(startLine, 0, position.line, position.character);
edit.replace(document.uri, replaceRange, insertText);
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
await; // Optionally save after inserting
// Move the cursor to the end of the inserted completion
const newPosition = new vscode.Position(startLine + totalNewLines - 2, 0);
textEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(newPosition, newPosition);
previewInserted = false;
if (change && change.text === '\t') {
await acceptPreview();
const restoreOriginalContent = async () => {
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
const endLine = document.lineCount - 1;
const endCharacter = document.lineAt(endLine).text.length;
const fullRange = new vscode.Range(previewStartLine, 0, endLine, endCharacter);
edit.replace(document.uri, fullRange, originalContent);
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, []);
previewInserted = false;
const acceptPreview = async () => {
textEditor.setDecorations(previewDecorationType, []);
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
const endLine = document.lineCount - 1;
const endCharacter = document.lineAt(endLine).text.length;
const fullRange = new vscode.Range(previewStartLine, 0, endLine, endCharacter);
edit.replace(document.uri, fullRange, completionText);
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
// Move the cursor to the end of the inserted completion
const newPosition = new vscode.Position(previewStartLine + completionText.split('\n').length - 1, 0);
textEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(newPosition, newPosition);
previewInserted = false;
// Call this function to initiate the preview
await storeAndInsertPreview();
} catch (err: any) {
"Fabelous Autocoder encountered an error: " + err.message
@ -196,7 +208,7 @@ async function autocompleteCommand(textEditor: vscode.TextEditor, cancellationTo
Reference in New Issue