import argparse from scripts.TerminalChat import TerminalBot from scripts.GUIChat import ChatGUI import json import os import sys CONFIG_FILE = "config/config.json" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Write with Ollama, using standard chat or RAG system, for \n\ for first usage run 'python --config' all options except 'mode' are optional") parser.add_argument('--config', action='store_true', help='Enable configuration mode') parser.add_argument('-f', type=str, help='Path to the input file (only in terminal mode)') parser.add_argument('-p', type=str, help='User prompt (only in terminal mode)') parser.add_argument('-m', type=str, choices=["gui", "terminal"], help='change mode') args = parser.parse_args() config = read_config() if config is None and args.config is False: sys.exit("No Config available. please run: 'python --config' to set it up") elif args.config is True: config = configure() write_config(config) elif args.m: config = handle_change_mode(args) write_config(config) elif config["mode"] == "terminal": handle_terminal(args) elif config["mode"] == "gui": # start gui try: gui = ChatGUI(**config["ollamaConfig"]) gui.mainloop() except TypeError: sys.exit("The config file seems to be corrupted, please run: 'python --config'") sys.exit("No Config available. please run: 'python --config' to set it up") def configure(): print("Configuration mode enabled.") mode = input("Enter terminal or gui mode (terminal/gui): ") while mode.lower() not in ["terminal", "gui"]: print("Invalid input. Please enter 'terminal' or 'gui':") mode = input("Enter terminal or gui mode (terminal/gui): ") base_llm_url = input("Enter base LLM URL (standard: http://localhost:11434): ") or "http://localhost:11434" embeddings_url = input("Enter embeddings URL (standard: http://localhost:11434): ") or "http://localhost:11434" base_model = input("Enter base model (standard: 'mistral'): ") or "mistral" embeddings_model = input("Enter embeddings model (standard: 'mxbai-embed-large'): ") or "mxbai-embed-large" base_header_key = input("Authentication Key for base model (standard: empty): ") or "" base_header_value = input("Authentication Value for base model (standard: empty): ") or "" embeddings_header_key = input("Authentication Key for embeddings model (standard: empty): ") or "" embeddings_header_value = input("Authentication Value for embeddings model (standard: empty): ") or "" return {"mode": mode, "ollamaConfig":{"base_url": base_llm_url, "embeddings_url": embeddings_url, "base_model": base_model, "embeddings_model": embeddings_model, "base_header":{base_header_key: base_header_value} ,"embeddings_header" :{embeddings_header_key: embeddings_header_value}}} def read_config(): if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE): return None with open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def write_config(config: dict): with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as config_file: json.dump(config, config_file, indent=4) def handle_change_mode(args): config = read_config() if args.m: if args.m == "gui": config["mode"] = "gui" elif args.m == "terminal": config["mode"] = "terminal" else: sys.exit("Not a valid mode option. Only 'gui' and 'terminal' are valid") return config def handle_terminal(args): config = read_config() if args.p: try: bot = TerminalBot(args.p, args.f, **config["ollamaConfig"]) bot.start() except TypeError: sys.exit("The config file seems to be corrupted, please run: 'python --config'") elif args.f: sys.exit("failure: prompt needed") else: sys.exit("usage in terminal mode: -p 'prompt' and optional: -f 'filename'") if __name__ == "__main__": main()